Liberty Orchards

By Lionina - 7:12 PM

I have a real fondness for the faux turkish delight produced by Liberty Orchards. As a young girl the drive between Los Angeles and San Jose, scored by Diana Ross, was always punctuated by a stop at a charmingly painted farm-stand with a mid century diner next door and a miniature train running in the yard. They might actually have been separate locations, but in my mind I equated those perfect baskets of fruits and nuts, the buffalo china coffees, and that toy train with Aplets and Cotlets, bits of walnuts suspended inside apple and apricot jellies covered with powdered sugar. I suppose my mother felt they were healthier than a bar of Nestle chocolate. Nowadays, I can reliably pick up a box of these at Fry's Electronics, a strange place to acquire feelings of childhood nostalgia and taste the bounty of the West Coast.

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