Buckwheat Noodles

By Lionina - 10:25 AM

Driven by the mediocrity of my daikon experiment, I started to consider the ubiquitous soba noodle and how it might move beyond the soy, sesame, asian tradition of dressing and serving cold. In Italy, buckwheat pasta is used in a classic regional dish called Pizzocheri (made here by FX Cuisine's curious contributor, one of my most favorite websites ever.) Soba, of course, is a different size and shape but I would think it might carry clean crisp flavors of some capellini type dishes, particularly ones that are more earthy and nutty. I wonder how the slight bitterness of the buckwheat would fare in a creamy sauce.  As I experiment, I will start adding my recipes to this post page. But not until I rework one of these pizzocheri recipes for soba.

Mark Bittman's Pizzocheri
Mario Batali's Pizzocheri

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