Akdong Musician - 가나다같이
Cute overlooaad!
Infinite - "Bad"
The boys are trying on the black leather and rock sneers and I'm not convinced 100%, but "Bad" still sounds and feel like them (Matrix wormhole at the chorus), which is very much to their credit.
1Punch - "Turn Me Back", "Nightmare"
Both of these tracks target very specific buttons from the 90's. Enough Said.
Brown Eyed Girls - "Brave New World" and Shinee - "Romance" add enough to the disco template the songs interesting, but maybe not as listenable as "Mamma Mia".
(IU and Park Myeong-su) - "Leon"
The reality/variety show promotional machine works! Their collaboration on Infinite Challenge made us rethink IU and brought down the house. Plus, that little stripey shirted Yoo Jae Hwan is just adorable.
See also: IU's quietly ambitious album Chat-shire.
Lim Kim - "Awoo"
A twee, very on trend, digital confection from a vocalist we feel very little for, but her blase delivery works really well here in the low stakes confetti of digital noise makers and high stakes lyrical demands that aren't really.