Unhappy with the results of my first sourdough bread, I left the loosely covered container on the counter for 12 hours and fed the starter twice in that time. The resulting proof was higher than the first dough. I made this starter just a tiny tad less watery.
I turned the temp to 425 degrees instead of 450 degrees, put the dutch oven in about 30 min into the preheating time instead of 1 hour, and when the dough went in, I slid an upside down cookie sheet onto the lowest rack. At 25 minutes the bread was pale and just beginning to crisp on the top crust points. I took the lid off, baked it for 5 minutes then inverted the loaf to the rack and baked it upside down for another 5.I don't believe the finished product was any worse for wear at having to stand on it's head. The comparison shows the difference! The bread was evenly brown all over with a much higher rise and nicer fluffier crumb than before - moist but not gummy - with a great crispy crust. I'm a lot happier with the results but I'm still going play around with the settings some more.