The verdant Aerogarden we received for Christmas, planted with the herb garden kit - thyme, chives, parsley and purple as well as Italian basil.
Right now the garden looks terrible because the Aerogarden website has been out of nutrient tabs for weeks and weeks. I am planning to make a trip to a Berkeley hydro shop to replace my supply.
My soil garden is finally sprouting, though I have low expectations of success. Our balcony really doesn't get enough sunlight to support the tomato plant and various herbs I planted. Still feels good to have living things outside though...Since we have the Aerogarden for fresh european herbs, I keep various dried spices - mostly for Indian cookery. The bulk extras are stored in double ziploc bags in the "cellar"/freezer till I need them. My favorite is probably black cumin, because it has a delicate smoky flavor with a less "aromatic" scent than typical ground cumin.