1 lb pork belly
4 tsp salt
4 tsp sugar
Roast at 425, basting occasionally, for 40-45 minutes or until skin is blistered and golden brown.
Roast at 250 for 40-45 minutes or until tender.
Momofuku method
Testing Notes
- Heat an oven to 275 and let the meat rest for at least 30 min before cooking. Roast for 60-90 minutes until the meat is tender. Broil for about 15 minutes or until the fat is bubbly and beginning to char.
- 250 for 60 min+,
- 425 for 10 minutes
- test for lower temp and longer cooking
- test with or without oil when seasoning
- test broil length
- test broil before or after
Momofuku method