
By Lionina - 10:20 AM

Amazing omakase meal at Yoshizumi's in San Mateo.

 Cucumber, jelly salad

 Snapper, bonito?, mackerel, fresh wasabi

 Daikon roll, ankimo, stewed octopus (tender like kakuni)

 Chawan Mushi with jello-like black cod, mushrooms, yuzu

 Cold seaweed soup

 Homemade ginger, tuna, sushi rice made with aged vinegar




Wild salmon (so sweet)

Fatty tuna (melty)

 Sea urchin and roe

 Tuna? in seaweed


 Moist tamago with shrimp (texture like castella soaked in syrup)

 Fish Box!

 River fish with liver (creamy)

 "Monkey Brains" aka fish innards (creamy)

  Miso soup with cilantro

Red bean, green tea, black sesame ice cream

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