Thick of It meets American sincerity and moral(less - depending on what angle you're pointing from) ingenuity. Daniel Day Lewis is understated as a character if not the vibrancy of his performance.
Sci-fi, light on the "Sci", so easy going down, paired with art house "real cinema" values, also, so easy going down. A spattered curtain dripping blood against white clapboard siding in lieu of actual seen violence is what makes this movie not quite an action film either, despite all the bang. What is it then? Well, mostly, Joseph Gorden Levitt hamming it up in Bruce Willis drag harkening to 12 Monkeys is what!
Moonrise Kingdom
Twee and Whimsical and Nostalgic and Precious, all bad bad words. But in this case, chemically altered into a fairly straight forward good time movie that feels and looks like a storybook of an idealized past that never was. Unless it was for you.
Holy Motors
A series of short story vignettes that vaguely coalesce into an allegory of life and movie making and artifice and what not.
Plus, That (from Tokyo series) grotesque leprechaun drags Eva Mendez into a sewer cave lair and clothes her in a silken burqa while he eats rose petals.
Wreck it Ralph
Fun! Are you opposed to it?
The Raid
Tower defense as a movie premise appears to be hot right now. Wreck... Dredd... But this one does the action suspense deal best, letting the choreography do the work and filming it right. Cause let's face it, watching violent obsessives do the Muay Thai cross stitch is pretty boggling.
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Man, I'm so hungry. And I want to go to Japan.
Honorable Mention
Because this movie is ridiculous. And because Guy Pearce, he of the ratty appearance and disposition, taking up the mantle of the Big Action Hero - against type and in the strangest way possible with atypically physical swagger as well as really unusual line readings - is a fun conundrum.
Contenders still to be watched...
Les Miserables
The Master
Silver Linings
Life of Pi
Anna Karenina