SHINee is back!
Favorite Tracks in no particular order:
Justice-style super compressed dance pop with Onew's infectious screaming chorus - rocking out more operatically than the group has ever been. I guess those musicals have been paying off.
This song has been growing on me. Shinee is in a familiar territory here but a bit more tranced out than usual. Those minor verses blossoming into a major key chorus, transforming all those good vibes into lift-off velocity and then laying the groove back into a space party cruise control that is undeniable.
Dream Girl
On par with the best singles with lots of filtered wormholes and plenty of funk that opens up into a classically shiny, glistening chorus. Also, Minho's background drumset, dirtying up the clean in doubletime, is a welcome surprising touch to all that sweetness and sass. Plus, all the boys get some air.